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The People We Help

Sarah Healed by Helping Others


When Sarah was at her lowest, this teenager found solace and joy connecting to a community helping others.

Security Training Showed This Leader What to Do


She thought security training was "just in case," then a real-life situation arose and she knew just what to do.

Thank You for Making Our Impact Possible


This recap of the Jewish Federation's 100 Days of IMPACT campaign thanked supporters for their donations, which make our impact possible.

Including Hallel Brought Everyone together


Hallel has special needs but did not have the same summer camp options as her typical siblings -- until Shutaf came along. The inclusion program is a place for all Jews to connect with a joyful and supportive community.

Respecting Sam Brought Him Dignity in the End


After being found with no next of kin, no home, and no assets -- but a chai around his neck -- Sam received a proper Jewish burial because of the Federation.